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Home > Products > Posterisan Forte

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Posterisan Forte


Bacterial Culture Suspension,


Therapeutic Class:


Topical Antihaemorrhoidal




Bacterial cultural suspension
and hydrocortisone




1 gm of Posterisan forte
ointment in 166.7 mg aqueous suspension contains 500 million dead E.coli
(corpuscular components and metabolites), 3.3 mg liquefied phenol
(corresponding to 3.0 mg pure phenol) and 2.5 mg hydrocortisone in an inert
ointment base (water/oil emulsion)




Persistent haemorrhoids
complaints, acute or ulcerous eczemas, itching and painful cracks and chaps
(rhagades and fissures) in the anal region




Ointment is applied several
times daily in a thin layer on the parts of skin or of the mucosa that must
be treated




10 gm ointment