Rubiject injection 5-10 ml (100-200 mg iron) 1-3 times / week depending on
the haemoglobin level.
Rubiject injection should be administered intravenously by slow injection
or infusion.
Under study conditions, there is limited data available. If there is
clinical requirement, Rubiject is recommended not to exceed 0.15 ml (3 mg
iron)/kg body weight 1-3 times/week depending on the haemoglobin level
Recommended Adult Dosage(Chronic kidney disease patients):
Hemodialysis Dependent:
Undiluted Rubiject can be administered as 100 mg slow IV injection in 2-5
minutes or as an infusion of 100 mg, diluted in a maximum of 100 ml of 0.9%
NaCl in atleast 15 minutes per consecutive hemodialysis session for a total
dose of 1000 mg.
Non-Dialysis Dependent:
Rubiject is administered as a total dose of 1000 mg in 14 days as 200 mg
slow IV injection undiluted in 2-5 minutes on 5 different occasions within
14 days.
Peritoneal Dialysis Dependent: Rubiject administered as a total dose of 1000 mg in 3 divided doses, given by slow IV infusion, within 28 days: 2 infusions of 300 mg in 1½ hours 14 days apart followed by one 400 mg infusion in 2½ hours 14 days later. The Rubiject dose should be diluted in a maximum of 250 ml of 0.9% NaCl. .