We are conscious of our social responsibility to improve the quality of life of our customers, our staff and the society we inhabit. Every step taken at AGP is geared towards a better, safer and healthier life for all as we practice our slogan – We Value Life. Our business practices are designed to deliver sustainable value to society at large and are based on ethical values and respect for the community, employees, the environment, shareholders and other stakeholders. We as pharmaceutical company fully complies with Drugs Act including cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) Rules. The management system of AGP is also certified as meeting the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for manufacturing of pharmaceutical products.
We believe and realize that it is the social, moral and ethical responsibility of every one of us to play our role towards a better and safer environment. As part of CSR activities, AGP has taken the initiative to create public awareness and responsibility in the area of road safety. Effective and comprehensive road safety strategies can significantly reduce fatalities and injuries and AGP has initiated a CSR campaign by the name of “Safety Matters”,
Which includes
Social Media campaigns on road safety (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn)
Road safety walks with Key Opinion Leaders and general public
Interviews of traffic police on road safety & traffic rules
Road safety brochures for general public
Interviews of leading hospital trauma consultants on road safety
School campaign to create awareness at grass root level on importance and various aspect of road safety
Road safety week